Fairy Tale Comics:
Classic Tales Told by Extraordinary Cartoonists
Edited by Chris Duffy
In an editor’s note, Duffy says: “We wanted a mix <of
fairy tales> that included a lot of Grimm tales, a majority of well-known
stories, a good sampling of non-European traditions, and a balance of boy and
girl heroes.” He has achieved his goal, but could have extended it to be sure
that some tales from Africa were represented here. Each tale is retold by a
contemporary cartoonist, some are very true to the original tale, but most have
a few twists and turns. So, look forward to a female lumberjack in Little Red
Riding Hood and multiple cartoon styles throughout the book. Great for young
ones who don’t know these tales and for challenging older children to find
what’s the same and what’s different.
My Mother Goose
By David McPhail
David McPhail’s illustrations are whimsical, magical and
full of fun. Some of these poems are illustrated with cherubic, but mischievous
children and some have only animals. Most of these poems are quite familiar,
but my favorite new one was the second verse of Hickory Dickory Dock:
Hickory Dickory Dare,
The pig flew up in the air,
The man in brown
Son brought him down,
Hickory Dickory Dare!
Princess Tales: Once
Upon a Time in Rhyme with Seek-and-Find Pictures
Adapted By Grace Maccarone, illustrated by Gail de Marcken
Each of these ten beloved fairy tales is retold in rhyme.
Here is the beginning of Sleeping Beauty:
Long ago, a king and queen
Begat a child, the fairest seen.
The fairies came to celebrate.
The king, not knowing there were eight,
Invited seven. One was slighted.
Angry she was not invited…
Lavish illustrations with each page containing several items
to seek and find. A book with many hours of pleasure for both parents and
children. I hate to limit this to little girls, as little boys may also be
enchanted with both the rhymes and the seek and find challenges.