The Only Fish in the Sea by Philip Stead, illustrated by
Matthew Cordell

When Little Amy Scott throws an unwanted goldfish into the
sea, she starts a chain of events that are so ridiculous, so over the top, so
hilarious, the reader cannot help but be engaged. Sadie and Sherman go to sea
with a troop of monkeys and special rain gear to rescue a fish they call
Ellsworth. And Little Amy is all alone at her birthday party. The illustrations
are busy enough to keep up with all the developments in the story and show a
few extra details to keep everyone’s imagination engaged.
After the Fall by Dan Santat

What happened to Humpty Dumpty after he fell off the wall?
If you ever wondered this, you are about to find out. Santat, who won a
Caldecott medal for The Adventures of
Beekle, lets Humpty tell his own story through words and pictures; a story
of pain and sadness, but also of triumph in the end.
Prudence the Part-Time
Cow by Jody Jensen Shaffer, illustrated by Stephanie Laberis

A new twist on what to do if you don’t fit in with your
“herd.” Prudence is a cow, but she is so much more; she is an inventor, a scientist,
an architect. All of this thinking and activity make her unpopular with the
rest of the cows and she just doesn’t fit in. Finally, she figures out a way to
use her inventions for the good of the herd and everyone is her friend. Maybe a
little simplistic, but we are talking about talking cows here.
Flo Story by Kyo
Maclear, Pictures by Jay Fleck

Flo is a small panda, in fact, she is the smallest panda in
the group. She likes to stop and play with butterflies or talk to the moon, but
the bigger pandas have all her time filled up with important activities. If you
have ever been the smallest in your group; or if you just like to figure out
how to use your time, then this is the book for you. Take a minute to get
floppy with Flo.
Thunder Horse by
Eve Bunting, Illustrated by Dennis Nolan

A modern-day fairy tale about a magical Thunder Horse who
comes from a hidden Greek island. A young girl gets the thunder horse from her
aunt as a present, but she is told as he grows, he will not stay with her
forever. This amazing tale is illustrated with dreamy pictures of the horse and
the girl that makes even those who do not love horses want to be in the story.
But, who does not love horses, and magic and wondrous stories?
Floaty by John

Peep and Egg: I’m Not
Using the Potty by Laura Gehl, Pictures by Joyce Wan

Peep and Egg are back and this time Egg is refusing to use
the Potty. If you have a reluctant toddler, you may try using this book to
encourage a new skill.
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